Wednesday, October 17, 2007


It has been a long year and a half. But it is finished and today goes to 'press'! Dallas has worked long and hard on his first video production for profit, 10 videos correlating with Alberta grade 2 social studies curriculum. I know I am a proud mom, but they look awesome (and he has had very positive feedback from others as well). At this point, Dallas is in business with his dad and has done the largest extent of the work; however, over the past few months, everyone in the family has had a part in helping out. Dustin has set up the MovieMakers website, Travis has made computer graphics and promotion material, I have added my input for teaching suggestions and watching the videos for error, and Greg has worked alongside Dallas, especially this summer and summer past, directing and editing. Shalayne appears in some of the footage. So as you can see, this has become a family persuit. The next step is marketing!

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