Saturday, November 3, 2007

Dustin is off the Streets!

Dustin is home from four days of living at the Mustard Seed in downtown Calgary as part of his Practical Ministries course at Alberta Bible College. He said it was a very interesting experience. The first thing he did when he got home was to take a shower! The team had to pick out a set of clothes from the donation room at the Seed and wear only them. They slept on the floor at a church. Dustin helped to peel 100 lbs of potatoes for the supper meal at the Seed and washed dishes. One day, the students had to pick bottles and panhandle to get money to feed themselves. Dustin said it was interesting how people would turn away from them or hold their purse close to their body when giving some change. But the street people at the Mustard Seed were friendly and pleased that the students were learning about their way of life. Unfortunately, a virus was going 'round and over half of their group ended up sick and had to return home. Fortunately, Dustin was not one of them. I'm glad my boy had this experience, but I'm also glad to see him home!

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