Monday, November 19, 2007

Mystery in the Library

The other night in the library, when many characters were out of their books enjoying a sojourn in the night air, a crime was committed, grim and grave, right in our own library. As a result his Majesty Henry VIII- that famous monarch from the English history books- has disappeared. Gathered are the characters that were present in the library at the time of the nasty deed. Fortunately Master Sherlock Holmes is here to investigate, so the perpetrator of this heineous crime will no doubt be revealed as the night proceeds.

So began our homeschool night of mystery. With almost 40 people (seven families) involved, we were hosted by the Conways in their beautiful home (big enough for all of us- must be 4000 sq. ft. +). Everyone dressed up and the costumes were fabulous! What fun we had! This was a mix and mingle game, with lots of goodies to nibble on besides, and it was a blast to watch the interaction of all the characters from little Baby Bear (Robin Contos) to Sherlock Homes and Mr. Watson to beautiful Cleopatra to Captain Hook. And my, oh, my, you would never guess who committed the nasty deed!

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