Friday, May 2, 2008

Mother of the Year?

I think I should be awarded Mother of the Year! Every Friday, my house is transformed for Dallas' Movie School. Not only are there dozens of kids squished into our tiny abode, but whole rooms take on totally new looks as they become the next 'set'! This week, I asked some of the kids if their parents (especially their moms) would allow this type of activity in their house and the reply was "No way!" This coming on the tail of the food that had just been thrown (on purpose!) in our living room, er rather, 'studio.' Well, maybe one day when Dallas has made the big one, we will all look back on his humble beginnings and smile :-). Really, I am smiling now, because it is fun and exciting to be involved with such creativity. If he can make great things happen in my lil' house, just think what he will be able to do when he has an actual studio!!Yes, this is (was?) my living room!He's really going to throw that?!Yep!

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