Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas At Wasa

Every other year the Caspell Clan (Shauna's family) gets together for Christmas. We have taken to renting a house at Wasa in B.C. for a week... a week of such fun, relaxation, and enjoyment. Mom Verone and all four sisters and their families convene. We hadn't seen Twyla (Shauna's youngest sister) and her husband, Brad, since the last time we were together for Christmas two years ago. And we celebrated Tammy's 30th birthday (Shauna's 2nd sister). The big project of the week is to build a toboggan run in the back yard. We start with the snow in the yard, add snow shoveled off the roof, and God usually adds fresh snow as the week goes on. The run is pretty impressive by the end of the week and everyone takes their turns doing daring feats or seeing how far down they can go. But the most fun seems to come from the building of the hill itself!

Shalayne adds a new dump of snow while Dustin and Brett test the hill.

Travis takes a break...

Shalayne and her youngest cousin, Cole.

Uncle Scott shoveling the roof.

Dallas sees how much air he can garner on the jump.

Greg's turn!

Dustin and Brett.

Me and my hubbie.

Shauna, Tammy, Twyla, Verone (Mom), and Janelle

The girl cousins: Brooke, Shalayne, Kaitlin

The boy cousins: Dustin, Dallas, Brett, Travis. Connor, Cole

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